09 March 2007

What is Your Coding Muse?

How much do you love what you do? I've just read the Creating Passionate Users article Don't ask employees to be passionate about the company! and really appreciated what she calls the "4-question test" for determining if someone is passionate about their work:

- keeps up with trade/professional journals
- knows who the key people in the industry are
- would spend his own money, if necessary, for better tools
- if they were NOT doing this as their job, they would still do something related to it as a hobby

We've all some reason why we do what we do.

Works late nights when, "I'm just one-compile away from this awesome refactoring that's going to make this thing run 40% faster."

I'm not sure about that figure, or how it was derived, or what she's talking about, or who she's talking to -- but I know that feeling; and I greatly enjoy that feeling.

What inspires you?
What keeps you where you are?
What keeps you from where you are going?

Today's lyrics complements of Muse's Sing for Absolution:
Lips are turning blue
A kiss that can't renew
I only dream of you
My beautiful

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